Euro-2012: Anastasia Volochkova is ready on all for the sake of Russian national team

Anastasia Volochkova isn't fan the Russian football, however wishes our National team a victory in the Championship of Europe-2012, and the most sexual football player named one of Andrey Arshavina's the most highly paid Russian football players, modestly having declared: "it seems To me, Arshavin". In interview to the newspaper "Soviet sports" the ballerina also has added that is ready on all for the sake of our players: "To dance for football players, to arrive to support them, everything, everything. I can not tell that I the fan of the Russian football, but I support ours, as well as any Russian person. When we win, is always glad, is always happy. Sometimes I look the various championships. Arshavin it is pleasant to me, as the football player, as the man. I am connected by kind friendly relations with a command of the North Ossetia, "Alanya". I am on friendly terms with player Sergey Dadu. It seems to me, at the Russian football it is a lot of prospects, after all a lot of attention is given to it. I hope, our trainers won't go to the west, and remain with us". 
Anastasia Volochkova considers that football players can easily dance in its show: "If only acrobatic in my show as I already invited basketball players. We dramatized a sketch from advertizing" the Kiss me in a pack". It is necessary to think up only special statement where to football players there would be a place. It, by the way, good idea. I will think of it, and you will pick up to me beautiful men-football players".