Ani Yeranyan

Spread on the Internet a pornographic video, which was used by one of the songsfrom the famous actress of Armenian TV series "Anna" Annie Eranyan, found himself at the center of the scandal. This spoke with the director of the TV series "Anna" Elena Arshakyan. 
"Ani Eranyan nothing to do with this video. It is not only one of the actresses of our show, but also very dear to my people, and those who know Anna, looking this video, can clearly see that this is not Ani Eranyan. The girl in the video a little bitlike Ani his black hair, but the rest - the nose, ushy, mouth, facial features similar toAni. In this tutorial, use one of the songs Ani Eranyan, and her name is written down ",she said, assuring that the person who posted the video, intentionally used the name of the actress, trying to discredit her. According to the director, the only problem - find out who distributed the video. 
On the question of whether the rating will not suffer an actress, if a criminal case, and it always will be highlighted in the media, Elena Arshakyan said: "The buzz has already risen, we have no purpose to promote Ani Eranyan or TV series" Anna. "Thank God we do not need it, the more this way. " 
According to the director, the hype had no effect on the actress, and she is in verygood spirits, repeating that the girl in the video is quite different from Ani: "I ask all journalists, have a look this video, and then ask questions, Ani" - she said.