Today birthday Amber Heard!

Today 26 years are executed by one of the most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: birthday marks Amber Heard. The actress known for roles in films "Also will come darkness", "Chamber", "Mad driving" and "the Rum diary", was born on April, 22nd, 1986 in small town Austin of the State of Texas. 
The destruction of the best friend in an air crash became a turning point in life of Amber Heard. After tragedy 16-year-old Amber was disappointed in religion, became the atheist, has left St. Michael's Catholic academy and has left to submit New York in which began to work as model. Later Heard has got over to Los Angeles where has started to study actor's skill. 
Bright appearance of Amber Heard which have appeared in image Merilin Monroe on a cover of magazine Max, has helped it to receive set of roles in teleserials, and then and at cinema. On 2012 prime ministers of insurgents "the Automobile city" are planned, in which Herd has played with Gerard Butler and Gary Oldman, and "Imperceptible cowboy shirts of Nottingham, Texas" Leighton Meester, and also a comedy drama "Syrup".
Ember Herd which have presented "the Rum diary" from Johnny Depp in Hollywood, is known for the impressing exits on red carpet paths on which it appears in images of actresses of "old" Hollywood, and also... Nonconventional sexual orientation. However, Ember against "labels": "I do not think that directors or producers with whom I work, excites, with whom in relations I consist. I don't want, that me named the lesbian or, on the contrary, натуралкой. In the past I had successful relations with the man, now - not less successful with the woman. When speech comes about love, I am opened to its any forms. I do not want, that me ranked as any category and hung on me labels".