Mariacarla Boscone

Many girls believe the saying "not born beautiful, but be born happy" just ametaphor. After all, the most rich and famous are just beautiful. A lot of durnushek - only to watch from a distance more successful rivals, and quietly envy them. The famous super-model Mariacarla Boscone proved the truth of the proverb. Nature had endowed her divine beauty, and even under a layer of makeup her face looks quite ordinary. But it is a non-standard appearance was the most important advantage of the girl. 
Mariacarla Boscone she does not consider herself a beauty: wide-set eyes, high for ehead, a rather large nose, lips and simple shape of the face. But her appearance envy of many well-known fashion models. Mariacarla Boscone in high demand due to its features, but still skinny teen figure. Mariacarla Boscono – “canvas" on which the dream of many artists, makeup artists and models, which tend to wear many of the designer.
Mariacarla Boscone was born in Rome on September 20, 1980 By the nature of the head of the family often moved from one country to another. So, before the emergence of Mariacarly she lived in Thailand. Then came the turn for several years in Italy, France, the United States. In 1989 Boscone settled in Africa, where the girl liked. One day we stopped to visit a family friend saw that the young Mariacarla Boscone has all the makings of this mannequin. He took a few pictures of her, which sent to Milan. Model Agency considered the candidacy of women and offered her cooperation. So in 1997 after graduating from high school Mariacarla Boscono began a successful modeling career. 
In 2007 Mariacarla Boscone returned to the podium and continued modeling work.During the holiday, it has revised its plans for the future and decided to develop an acting career. She studied at New York Theatre Institute of the Lee Strasberg, and participated in the formulation «The Maids». Perhaps in the near future, the theater and the lights new bright star Mariacarla Boscono.